You have already stored a puzzle with this name. Please choose another name! If you don't, the older puzzle with this name will be overwritten with the current one!!!
The URL has to directly point to the image/video! Please rightclick on the wished image and click on "copy image adress", to copy the right adress/url. Also, Youtube videos are not supported.
Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop the image in the text filed above.
The pieces are spread out. It is your task to put them back together to form the image/video you put in!
It doesn't matter where you put them back together, but you might have to rotate them.
The position of the pieces is shuffles. It is your task to exchange the position of two tiles until the pieces form the original image/video you put in!
At least one puzzle piece has to be deleted. After that, the programm will slide the pieces in a random order.
After that, you can slide the pieces by clicking on the piece you want to move (you may have to click on the position you want it to be) until the pieces form the original image/video you put in!.
rotate pieces randomly
type of shuffling:Allow scrolling on empty background
begin swipe at first piece and end it at the second one to exchange their position
the easiest way to control the difficulty is to change the amount of slides the computer does
let PC slide times:
slide until at most pieces stay at the original position
empty field 2 times in the same position prohibited after times (raising this number makes it more difficult))
view original